Military Retention - Colonel Michelle MT Letcher, commander of the 16th Over 80% of eligible soldiers have already re-enlisted this fiscal year... (Photo Credit: U.S.) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT MEADE, Md. - For the fourth consecutive year, Normal's retention rate is over 80% after recently hitting its five-month target earlier this year.

Military Retention

Military Retention

At least 82 percent of eligible soldiers have already filed for tax 2019 as all-time highs continue under reenlistments, according to the senior career advisor.

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"Retention rates this high tell us a lot, mainly that Soldiers are satisfied with their jobs and serving their country," said Sgt. Maj. Mark Thompson. "We know soldiers 'talk with their feet.' If they're happy, they stay. If they're unhappy, they leave. The good news is that soldiers are choosing to stay in record numbers."

The FY 2019 Regular Retention Mission was 50,515 soldiers, but now at least 50,910 soldiers are retained from their assigned mission. Thompson believes it is the fastest way to achieve his conservation mission.

In fiscal 2018, it achieved the highest reintegration rate in its history by reaching a rate of 92% without lowering standards.

The moment is attributed to several factors. Career advisors and leadership engagement have continued from the last fiscal year to the current one, allowing the group to achieve its mission ahead of schedule. It also offered a variety of incentives and bonuses for soldiers eligible for reintegration, he said.

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It also expanded the setting options by increasing stabilization and picking stations for soldiers. These options have helped increase retention rates, along with an emphasis on quality of life for soldiers and their families. In addition to location options, educational benefits are another important factor.

"Families are provided for through a variety of options such as GI Bill transfer to qualified dependents, which is equivalent to four years of college," Thompson said. "These benefits can also be divided between the children. For example, two years of benefits can be divided between two children. These are a significant amount, depending on where the child or the husband goes to school."

To transfer benefits, soldiers must complete at least six years of qualifying service and agree to serve an additional four years.

Military Retention

"Retention bonuses are also a big plus, with many bonuses ranging from a thousand to $72,000 depending on the career field," he said. "The financial gap is divided by soldier [military occupational specialty], but also by skill and rank.

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"Basically, whatever their job is, or the job they're reclassifying or retraining, it all affects their retention bonus."

Bonuses are also based on the needs of the , with upper-middle NCOs often more viable due to experience and knowledge. However, depending on the MOS, entry-level soldiers may be offered a larger bonus.

Some of the highest bonuses are in the intelligence career field, where they can range from $17,000 for a private first class to $72,000 for a sergeant or sergeant first class. Special Forces and Cyber ​​​​​​Operations also offer big bonuses.

"The cyber operations specialist has become increasingly vital to the mission," Thompson said. "We know that some skills can be transferred to the civilian market, so we offer them incentives to work in the . Like any business, we need to stay competitive to make sure we keep the most talented Soldier in the right service, in the right place ".

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Retention numbers are based on soldiers who are eligible to reenlist, which requires passing physical training scores and not being flagged for adverse action.

"We have maintained a high standard for our soldiers," he said. “But we wouldn't have been able to close the retention gap early without our high-quality career counselors at all levels working with Soldiers every day.

"Career counselors have a 'finger on the pulse' of the organizations they represent, know what the needs of the soldier are and how to educate them about the benefits."

Military Retention

The counselors help soldiers see the value of and their service within, he said, adding that they also counsel them to determine their suitability and future career options.

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"Achieving goals five months early is indicative of how hard career counselors work," he said, "and how they listen to Soldiers and help them understand the benefits of continued service."

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